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in short


Is it possible to feel better, be healthier, lose weight or gain muscle? 

Of course, it is.


Do you have to suffer to reach that goal?


Do you need time to achieve it in a sustainable way?

I'm not going to lie to you there. Yes. It takes time.


Many people overestimate how difficult changing habits is going to be and underestimate the time it will take.


Maybe you have tried many times to reclaim your health and lose weight. I want to express my admiration for the willpower of each of your attempts.


The fact that you keep trying indicates that you are a person of great strength and ambition. But achieving your goals is not only about what you do, but also about how and when you do it.


New habits and practice are the key factors for success. Much more than determination and willpower. But they do take time to implement with consistency.


When I speak of uplifitng your health I am not talking about the scale or the mirror.


 Being truly healthy means being able to enjoy ending a walk with friends having a drink, playing with your children or grandchildren without getting tired, getting up every morning with energy or walking into the doctor’s office for your annual checkup without worry.


A healthy diet is not about obsessing in any way. It is about, step by step, learning new habits that will form the basis for the rest of your life. Health is not having abs marked with 1500 Likes on Instagram.


It is having the energy, the body and the mind to be able to enjoy all aspects of life and achieve your goals. So that you have control and you can always return to these good habits. Food is a tool for a joyful and healthy life; it’s not a goal.





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