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Healthy habits are more important now than ever. If you´re ready to take control of your health and life and experience the transformation you´ve always wanted, you’re in the right place.

Here is the sad truth: Most self-directed coaching plans fail in the long run. That´s why so many people start new diets and workout programs every year. If you´ve tried something before and “failed”—or just can´t stick with it—know that you’re not alone. And it´s not your fault.

Over the years, I´ve seen dozens of fads come and go. That´s why I don´t follow fads. Instead, I teach you doable daily actions that are designed to fit into a busy lifestyle.

As a client you´ll learn how to:

  • Eat better, without dieting or feeling deprived.

  • Get active, no matter what shape you’re in now.

  • Ditch the food rules, dropping the fad diets and conflicting advice.

  • Improve your sleep, recovery and stress management.

  • Achieve, and maintain, your goals, even when life feels unpredictable.

The result?

You will:

  • Lose the weight/fat you haven’t been able to shed for years.

  • regain control over your life, agenda and priorities

  • Build confidence in your body.

  • Gain mental confidence, no longer hiding your gifts and talents.

  • Let go of food confusion, learn what to do, how to do it.

  • Experience the peace of mind that comes with a clean bill of health

For more information about the program, check out the frequently asked questions below.


Q: What´s the program all about?

A: My coaching are habit based programs that guide you through important—yet sustainable—changes in your eating and lifestyle with the help of a proven method.

I help you bring nutrition and health into your life in a way that works for your life and your body.

Bottom line: My coaching programs enable you to make nutrition and health a part of your life—without it taking over.

The program is designed to work on your absolute worst days, not just your best days.


Q: What´s different about this coaching program?

A: The program, which is based on 15-years Precision Nutrition experience, has been tested and proven with over 100,000 clients, and it´s been validated in multiple peer-reviewed research papers.

Unlike other programs, it doesn´t prescribe quick-fix diets or meal plans (we all know those don´t last). Instead, it helps you build the skills and habits needed to look and feel better for the rest of your life.

Here´s what you can expect from my coaching:

A program that fits your body—and your life. Building the habits you can apply anywhere and anytime and in a way that works for you.  Want to recover better? It´s covered. Dealing with extra stress? I´ll help you adapt.


Bottom line: I´ll help you become the best version of yourself… no matter what’s going on around you.

Achieve your goals… even when life gets crazy: Simple daily practices.

I break your big goals down into small daily practices that add up to massive changes.


Then, over the course of the programs, you will develop habits that become second nature and last a lifetime. Plus, the entire coaching program is delivered online. Which means you can access an easy-to-use online platform and connect directly with me from any digital device.

The result: Build healthy habits that last a lifetime.

This “deep health” coaching method does more than just teach you how to exercise and eat better. You´ll also develop the mental and emotional skills you need to experience the confidence and freedom a healthy lifestyle has to offer.

And the best part? It´s 100% guaranteed. When you follow the steps of the program, you will get in the best shape of your life—or it´s free.

Q: Who is my coaching for?

A: It´s for all who want to get healthier, fitter, and stronger—and stay that way for the rest of their lives.

The coaching is for people who want to…

  • Lose weight and body fat

  • Build physical strength and confidence

  • Transform their relationship with food

  • Have more energy for the things they love

  • Get results that last

Plus, the programs are designed for people with busy schedules.

I provide you with personal accountability and a structured nutritional and lifestyle program to follow. I don´t give you a crazy diet or exercise program to follow; instead, I help you build habits that will get you results that last forever.

Q: Who is my coaching NOT for?

A: It is not for figure or fitness models, professional bodybuilders, or high-level athletes training for a particular sport.

It´s also not for people who already have all the accountability they need.

If you rarely struggle with staying consistent with your eating or lifestyle habits, then I´m not a good choice for you.


Q: Will this coaching approach work for me?

A: Want to lose weight? Eat better? Feel less stressed? Get more and better sleep?

If you follow the recommendations in the programs and stick with them for their full duration then yes, you will get results.

If you participate in the program and follow the recommendations, you will end up leaner, stronger, healthier, and happier with your body and life than you ever thought possible.

You don´t have to get it perfect (let´s be honest: No one is ever going to get anything “perfect”). But you do have to commit to making small, strategic changes in your life.

That is something no one ever likes to admit about change: It takes hard work, time, and determination.

Changing your body isn’t easy, but it is possible and I am confident I can help you.

Once you make the commitment to get make the changes you want in life, I will be with you every step of the way. When life pushes you around and difficulties come up, the habits you will be practicing will help you push back.

I´ll stack the deck in your favour and give you every advantage we know of.

That´s my promise.

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Q: Do you really guarantee results?

A: Absolutely. I guarantee my work—100%—because it´s the right thing to do.

The coaching principles that will be applied are based on the Precision Nutrition curriculum and they´ve helped over 100,000 clients improve their nutrition, bodies, and health over the past 15 years.

Follow the recommendations of the program. If you don´t get what you’re looking for at the end of the program, I’ll give you a full refund.

Seriously. Every penny. You get to decide if the program was worth it.

Why do I do this? Because I stand behind my work. I know you´ll walk out healthier and happier than ever before.


Q: Do you give me a meal plan?

A: No, I don't give out meal plans.

Meal plans and diets aren´t really that useful or sustainable. People often feel like they´re either “on” them or “off” them. They feel like they´ve failed and are beyond hope if they’re not eating perfectly at every meal.

My approach is completely different: I help you build a set of sustainable habits that will serve you for the rest of your life.

This means you get to choose—with my help—which foods are best for you, when to eat those foods, and how much to eat of them.


Q: Why coaching? Can't I just pick up a diet book? Or read some online articles for free?

A: If you take an honest look at your life—and at the lives of the people you most respect and admire—you´ll notice something interesting.

As human beings, we´re rarely ever transformed by reading more books or articles. Or from watching a documentary. Or from taking a class.

Instead, most transformative change happens through a real relationship with another human being and application of information.

Sure, you can try another diet book or read a few more articles on stress management, especially if you love thinking and reading about that stuff. If you get great results with those tools, I applaud you.

But if you´re having trouble putting what you know into action, my coaching programs might be for you.

Q: What if I don´t have much weight to lose but just want to eat better?

A: It´s great that you don´t have a lot of weight to lose. It means you´re starting out with a big advantage.

Of course, lifelong fitness and health is more than losing weight. With my coaching programs, you´ll learn how to maintain a healthy body and mind—for life.

You´ll discover how it feels to be more physically capable, more confident, and stronger—inside and out.

Plus, you´ll develop a new, healthier relationship to food and eating. And that's something fewer than 5% of people know how to do.

Q: Will I have to spend a lot of money on food and supplements?

A: When it comes to food, you will most likely end up saving money on grocery bills.

This is because you will make more informed, careful decisions, eat out less, and spend fewer dollars on processed novelty foods, replacing them with whole, delicious natural foods.

As for supplements, I may recommend a few health-oriented products, based on your unique needs and goals. However, these are completely optional.

Q: I like to... (Crossfit, run, bike, swim, ski, do group exercise classes, walk my dog, etc). Can I still do the stuff I love while getting coaching?

A: Of course. Keep doing what you love.

That´s the whole point of the program—to learn how to eat and exercise in a way that works for you.

Health and fitness should be fun, freeing and sustainable. It´s about helping you live a fuller life. So yes, if anything, the program will help you do more of the things you love.

Q: I follow a special diet (plant-based, vegan, Paleo, intermittent fasting). Will you still work with me?

A: Yep, absolutely. The nutrition habits I will guide you through are easily customisable and you will be able to keep practising your personal values when it comes to your food choices

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