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You´ll get:

A simple, clear, step-by-step program that tells you exactly what to do and when to do it.

Daily check-ins, learning, information, and accountability.

• An online program that lets you join the program wherever and however you want. Miss a day or two because of work, school, or other demands? No problem. Not at your computer? Download our lesson podcast. You do this on your schedule (which I´m guessing is already a busy one.)

Small, do-able, essential habits that build over time, helping you integrate healthy behaviors smoothly and seamlessly.

A program based on cutting-edge research and the experiences of 15,000 other Precision Nutrition clients.

• This program is all about hands-on, ´real world´practices and skills. It helps you stay accountable, be consistent, and finally get off the ´all-or-nothing´(which actually usually ends up in ´nothing´) cycle for good.

Access to the program for a full year so that you still go back and review the habits and lesson even after you have finished the program. 

Access to the course Community where you, in a supportive environment can ask any question and share any experience you might have before, during or after the program. 


Whether you´d like to:

• thrive at your activities and sports;

• just look and feel a little better;

• learn solid, realistic, consistent health habits that you can do forever;

• have more energy, vitality, and zest for life;

• manage your stress better;

• be more productive at work;

• age with strength, confidence, and maybe fewer medications;

• be a healthy and fit role model for your kids;

• feel more confident, calm, and in control;

...I can help. 

What you will learn:

You´ll learn essential habits plus how and when to do them.

One by one, you´ll build a strong foundation of simple habits that you can use anywhere, any time… forever.

You´ll learn about nutrition, sleep, stress management, recovery and exercise.

Enough to help you understand what you´re doing and why. But not so much that it´s overwhelming, confusing, or boring.

You´ll learn how to take care of the most important person... you.

A lot of people take care of everyone else around them: kids, boss, partner, parents... Everyone, that is, except themselves. I will help you learn to put on your own oxygen mask so that you can help others better.


You´ll learn how to keep building on that foundation.

At the end of each program, it´s not “over”. You will have access for a full year to all the content so you can always go back if you feel that you're ooff track or need to pivot.

You´ll learn about YOU and the things that work for you.

Accountability and consistency

Every day, you will track:

• Did you do your daily practice and how well did it go?

• Did you read your lesson?

That way you can track if you are you going in the right direction. Step by step making progress and implementing simple (but not always easy) habits with consistency.

Because I know from experience: Consistency gets results.


Who is this program for?

• You´re between 18 and 75 years old.

• You´re busy and want an extremely time-efficient program.

• You´ve got some fat to lose.

• You want to control your stress level much better.

• You want to boost your productivity at work.

• You´re looking to get lean, ripped, healthy and strong.

• You want to recover better from your workouts and matches.

Who it´s NOT for:

• Bodybuilders, fitness competitors/models, and others who are below 8% body fat year-round.

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