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HI, MY NAME IS BART te nijenhuis (BTN):

Don´t worry, learning to pronounce my last name will not be part of the coaching itinerary...


I am a certified Precision Nutrition level 1&2 and Sleep, Stress & Recovery coach. Welcome to my site. It is great to have you. A little personal background first. I was born and raised in the Netherlands.


In my youth, I was a competitive tennis player. After studying economics, I entered in the ´normal´ working world. In 2005 I moved to Spain where both my boys were born and where I still reside.


"My passions are health, people, reading, drinking good coffee and and having an occasional zip of good whisky".


As you can tell from that sentence, I think health is about enjoying life with energy and not about limiting yourself to physical appearance as the only benchmark for health.


As a coach, I take a holistic and empathic approach, meeting you where you are in your journey and trying to help you find the sustainable habits that support your goals.


Personally in the last decade I have gone through fantastic moments with the birth of my boys to depression and divorce. I have gone through the ups and downs just like (almost) everybody and I´m still learning every day.


In my spare time, I love spending time with my boys camping and hiking, spending time with friends pretending I know a lot about the beautiful game of rugby and I´m an avid reader.

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